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Buy the fast VPS

vCore x1 2 GB (DDR4) 25 GB SSD $9.5 Order Now
vCore x2 4 GB (DDR4) 50 GB SSD $15.5 Order Now
vCore x4 6 GB (DDR4) 70 GB SSD $23 Order Now
vCore x4 8 GB (DDR4) 90 GB SSD $32 Order Now
vCore x6 10 GB (DDR4) 120 GB SSD $37 Order Now
vCore x8 12 GB (DDR4) 150 GB SSD $45 Order Now
vCore x10 14 GB (DDR4) 180 GB SSD $60 Order Now
vCore x16 16 GB (DDR4) 250 GB SSD $75 Order Now

Fully control your server

  • Full root/admin access
  • Access to VNC console
  • KVM hardware virtualization
  • Fast ssd disks in raid-10
  • Weekly backup

Why us?

Our experience - your peace of mind!

A large selection of OS

You can install more than just Linux on your VPS - AlmaLinux, Debian, Ubuntu, Centos, Rocky Linux но и Windows - Windows 2016. Windows 2019, Windows 2022

Control panels

You can choose from free control panels - FastPanel(recommend!), CyberPanel, Hestia, Vesta. Or paid option - Cpanel, DirectAdmin, Webuzo, Plesk.

Full control

You get full root access to the server. You can install any software. If you need to reinstall or re-install the server, you can do it in one click

Migrate is easy!

Our professional team of technical specialists will migrate your site to us free of charge without interrupting its work. You rest - we work!

Any questions?

We use processors like 2x Intel Xeon E5-2673v4. The servers are also equipped with SSD or NVMe drives for faster operation.
You can add an additional ipv4 to the server for $2/month.
Yes, you can.
Yes! You can use vps for vpn. We have automatic installation and configuration of wireguard available.
Yes! We will help you with server setup for your site free of charge.